Black/Red Check 9270 89
Black/White Check 9270 9
Blue Indigo - A-9734-B
Blueberry Delight - 3038 12 - Stone
Blueberry Delight - 3038 13 - Blueberry
BOO - 1892-G - Green/Black Plaid
Charisma - 25570-12 - Black Cream - Check
Checking It Twice - - 30439-R - Tartan Plaid - Red
Christmas Plaid - DP23542 24
Christmas Wish - Blue Plaid - 23467 44
Christmas Wish - Red Plaid - 23468 24
Farmstead Friends - 26899-24 - Red Diagonal Plaid
Fiesta - 22473 11 - Multicolor
Fiesta - 22473 32 - Sunrise
Fiesta - 22473 44 - Splash
Golden Christmas - 25297-24 - Big buffalo check red and black
Golden Christmas - 25298-10 - Small buffalo check
Golden Era - R220643 Green Plaid Dot - Green - Plaid - Dots
Golden Era - R220643 Red Plaid Dot - Red - Plaid - Dots
Golden Era - R220646 Red Floral Plaid - Red - Plaid
Golden Era - R220646 Tan Floral Plaid - Tan- Plaid
Grand Haven - 14989 11 - Cream
Grand Haven - 14989 16 - Sky
Grand Haven -14989 12 - Pink
Hay...It's Christmas - 24109 74 - Green Plaid
Holiday Charms - SRKM-20968-93 Scarlet - Red Plaid with Silver Metallic
Homegrown 19826-16
Honey Lavender - 56086 12 - Honey
Honey Lavender - 56086 17 - Charcoal
Honey Lavender - 56086 18 - Soft Lavender
Joy - A-1058-G - Rustic Spruce - Green - Cream - Plaid
Joy - A-1058-R - Rustic Holly Berries - Red- Cream - Plaid
Lakeside 50200 1
Lakeside 50200 2
Lakeside 50200 3
Lakeside 50200 4
Living Farm - LIVF 04433 O
Living Farm - LIVF 04433 P
Living Farm - LIVF 04433 T
Midnight Magic - Haunted House Plaid 24084 11